Beginners Adults Complete Beginners Street Dance Class In Manchester

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Adults Complete Beginners Street Dance Class In Manchester

Class Rating : No ratings yet !!

Thursday 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Address :
114 Chapel St, Manchester
M3 5DW

Level : Beginners

Age : Adults

Drop in or Course : This is a. drop in class or you can pays as a. 4 week course

Cost : £6.0

Last Updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

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About the class :

This is a fun class . it is suitable for any one especially if you have never danced before or you are looking to restart after being absent for a. while. it is taking at a. slow pace and a fun class with a great atmosphere all round

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Frequently Asked Questions

Experience :

No Experience required at all

Clothing :

Loose comfortable Clothing Trainers

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