Beginners Beginner Contemporary


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Beginner Contemporary

Class Rating : No ratings yet !!

Tuesday 6 p.m.-7 p.m.

Address :
The Loft At Little Dippers, 42 Upper Gardner Street, Brighton, East Sussex

Level : Beginners

Age : Adults

Drop in or Course : drop in, book beforehand. Discounts for booking multiple classes at once

Cost : £10.0

Last Updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

More Info

About the class :

These classes are for you to focus on the experience of dancing, rather than what it looks like. Centered on enjoyment, with medium length dance sequences, and plenty of time for learning and embodying the movement.

Previous dance experience is not required for you to attend this class.

All my classes are danced in my own contemporary style, which has emerged from my years of training in Ballet, Flying Low, Release, Cunningham, Graham, Tap, Jazz and others…

Each class contains warm up, teaching and dancing of phrases, cool down, finished with a relaxation. Check out my Contemporary page for more details.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Experience :

This class is at beginner level, so ideal for people who are either new to dancing, returning to dance after a break, or regular dancers who want a chill class

Clothing :

Wear comfortable clothes, layers are advised as the studio is normally nice and warm.

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