Intermediate Open Ballet Class


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Open Ballet Class

Class Rating : No ratings yet !!

Thursday 6 p.m.-8:16 p.m.

Address :
Liverpool City Centre

Level : Intermediate

Age : Adults

Drop in or Course : Course

Cost : £10.0

Last Updated 2 months ago

More Info

About the class :

Full structure of a ballet class, barre work, centre practice, adage/port de bras, pirouettes/turns, allegro and then pointe work. The teacher has been teaching professionally for over 14 years and is full qualified in a number of genres. She is also a performer and this class has been running for nearly 13 years. Everyone in class is very welcoming & friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Experience :

Intermediate and above or if you have come through grades in istd or rad in the past.

Clothing :

Ballet clothes, ballet shoes, pointe shoes if doing pointe, gym clothes are suitable too.

What level is this class?

This class is split in to two levels, some are ex professionals or current professionals and some members of class come for the love of ballet. Class ranges from intermediate to advanced standard. I differentiate certain exercises like frappe, grand battlements, adage, pirouettes, allegro.

How do I make payment

Classes are paid for by the block and invoiced prior to the block.

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