Intermediate Commercial


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Thursday 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Address :
Studio 4 All Dance, Ralli Hall, 81 Denmark Villas, Hove, Brighton & Hove

Level : Intermediate

Age : Adults

Drop in or Course : Drop in or book online

Cost : £7.0

Last Updated 5 months, 1 week ago

More Info

About the class :

Join our fun and energetic commercial dance class, covering street, hip hop, whacking, and jazz styles. You'll groove like a pro, feeling like a backing dancer in a music video. This friendly class is confidence-building and perfect for those ready to unleash their inner dancer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Experience :

This class is suitable for all levels of experience.

Clothing :

Comfortable clothing which is easy to move in and knee pads

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