Amy Croall


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Amy Croall

Rating : No ratings yet !!

Location : Birmingham
Age : 22 yrs old
Training : Performer's College

Dancers Profile Info


Amy is a recent graduate from Performer's College Birmingham. She also trains in aerial silks. Her credits while in training include Birmingham Royal Ballet's first curtain raiser and scare acting at Drayton Manor as well as performing in and devising in house shows at College.


Amy is a versatile dancer who enjoys teaching alongside. Her favorite styles are tap and jazz and she has had numerous performances opportunities while at College including devising 2 musicals and taking on featured and swing roles in her third year show. She also has experience in scare acting as well as animating in full skins.


Birmingham Royal Ballet - Seraphina Curtain Raiser, Sweet Temptations - 3rd year graduate show

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